Use Our Money Not Yours!

Why take your own money out of your personal bank account when you can use our money. Consider this, why take for instance $8,000 out of your bank to replace your leaking Roof, when it could cost you just a small payments for 48 months! Smart money experts will tell you to use other folks money and not your own.

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You can use the financing for: new Hardie, SmartSide Siding, Energy Efficiency Replacement Windows, Kitchen or Bath remodel, new Roof replacement or Room addition, will have no liens on your home, and no prepayment penalties. This non lien will protect you as a homeowner and is much quicker than a traditional home improvement loan and is easier to qualify.

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E-Z Financing Program

Our Financing option takes only a few minutes to complete the application with approvals in 10 minutes or less for most cases. APPROVALS are easy with US even if you think your credit is not good or perfect.

It will not cost you anything to apply and most importantly, you will have the final decision whether to accept or reject the loan. With a credit as low as 620 you can qualify and you will have 6 months interest FREE.

We are here to help you get the financing you need and to complete your home improvement project from start to finish! Get you the money you need to remodel/repair your home, your satisfaction is our guarantee.

Apply today by filling out our short submission form below. 

EZ- Financing approval form. We have financing for home owner with a credit scores down to the 580's FICO, Please apply today and one of our financing professionals will contact you with-in one hour.